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* fbm2pod.c: FBM Release 1.0 25-Feb-90 Michael Mauldin
* Copyright (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin. Permission is granted
* to use this file in whole or in part for any purpose, educational,
* recreational or commercial, provided that this copyright notice
* is retained unchanged. This software is available to all free of
* charge by anonymous FTP and in the UUNET archives.
* fbm2pod.c: Take an 8bit gray image, resize it to a maximum total
* number of pixels, optionally sharpen it with a digital
* Laplacian filter, and halftone it using one of three
* standard algorithms. Output the result in Diablo
* graphics format.
* % fbm2pod [ -args ] [ size ] < foo.fbm > foo.pod
* size Choose a width and height as large as possible so that
* width is a factor of 8 and width*height <= size (default
* is width and height of original 8bit file, ignoring aspect
* ratio).
* -f Do Floyd-Steinberg halftoning (the default algorithm)
* -bNNN Do Blue noise halftoning (-b50 or 50% noise is default)
* -cNNN Do Constained average halftoning (-c4 is the default)
* -sNNN Sharpen the image with a given beta (-s2.0 is default)
* LastEditDate = Mon Jun 25 00:03:25 1990 - Michael Mauldin
* LastFileName = /usr2/mlm/src/misc/fbm/fbm2pod.c
* 25-Jun-90 Michael Mauldin (mlm@cs.cmu.edu) Carnegie Mellon
* Package for Release 1.0
* 07-Mar-89 Michael Mauldin (mlm) at Carnegie Mellon University
* Beta release (version 0.9) mlm@cs.cmu.edu
* 8-Sep-88 Michael Mauldin (mlm) at Carnegie-Mellon University
* Created.
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
# include "fbm.h"
# define PODASPECT 1.25
# define USAGE \
"Usage: fbm2pod [ -fbc<parm> ] [-s<sharpen> ] [ size ] < 8bit > pod"
#ifndef lint
static char *fbmid =
"$FBM fbm2pod.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source \
code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$";
main (argc, argv)
char *argv[];
{ int w, h, ow = -1, oh = -1, size = -1, alg = 'b';
double beta = -1e9, parm = -1e9;
char *title;
FBM input, resized, sharpened, output, *image;
/* Clear the memory pointers so alloc_fbm won't be confused */
input.cm = input.bm = (unsigned char *) NULL;
resized.cm = resized.bm = (unsigned char *) NULL;
sharpened.cm = sharpened.bm = (unsigned char *) NULL;
output.cm = output.bm = (unsigned char *) NULL;
/* Read the image */
if (read_bitmap (&input, (char *) NULL))
if (input.hdr.bits != 8 || input.hdr.physbits != 8)
{ fprintf (stderr,
"Can't handle images with %d bits and %d physbits per pixel\n",
input.hdr.bits, input.hdr.physbits);
exit (1);
if (input.hdr.title[0]) title = input.hdr.title;
/* Get the options */
while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-')
{ while (*++(*argv))
{ switch (**argv)
{ case 's': if (argv[0][1]) { beta = atof (*argv+1); SKIPARG; }
else beta = 2.0;
case 'f': alg = 'f'; break;
case 'b': alg = 'b';
if (argv[0][1]) { parm = atof (*argv+1); SKIPARG; }
case 'c': alg = 'c';
if (argv[0][1]) { parm = atof (*argv+1); SKIPARG; }
default: fprintf (stderr, "%s", USAGE);
exit (1);
if (argc > 0) size = atoi (argv[0]);
/* Default parms for algorithms */
if (parm <= -1e9)
{ if (alg == 'b') parm = 50.0;
else if (alg == 'c') parm = 4.0;
/* Determine output height & width (oh*ow <= size) */
h = input.hdr.rows;
w = input.hdr.cols;
if (size < 0)
{ oh = h; ow = w; }
{ ow = sqrt ((double) size * w / (h * input.hdr.aspect / PODASPECT));
ow &= ~7; /* Make width multiple of 8 */
oh = ow * input.hdr.aspect/PODASPECT * h / w;
fprintf (stderr,
"Halftone \"%s\" size [%dx%d] => %d pixels\n",
input.hdr.title[0] ? input.hdr.title : "(untitled)",
ow, oh, ow*oh);
/* Start with image in variable 'input' */
image = &input;
/* If necessary, resize it */
if (w != ow || h != oh)
{ if (extract_fbm (&input, &resized, 0, 0, w, h, ow, oh, title, (char *) NULL))
{ image = &resized; }
{ exit (1); }
/* Sharpen the image if requested */
if (beta > -1e9)
{ if (sharpen_fbm (image, &sharpened, beta))
{ image = &sharpened; }
{ exit (1); }
/* Now use the appropriate algorithm to halftone it */
switch (alg)
{ case 'b': bluenoise_fbm (image, &output, parm); break;
case 'c': constravg_fbm (image, &output, parm); break;
default: floyd_fbm (image, &output);
if (write_pod (&output, stdout)) exit (0);
exit (1);
* write_pod: Write out a binary bitmap as a Diablo file, for use
* by the podtype or mp programs.
# define FF "\014"
# define LF "\012"
# define CR "\015"
# define GON "\033\037\005\033\036\003"
# define GOFF "\033\037\015\033\036\011"
# define ABSTAB "\033\011"
# define STARTCOL 10
write_pod (image, stream)
FBM *image;
FILE *stream;
{ register int i, j, h, w;
h = image->hdr.rows;
w = image->hdr.cols;
/* Bracket commands with form feeds (for podtype) */
fprintf (stream, "%s%s%s", FF, CR, GOFF);
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
{ fprintf (stream, "%s%c%s", ABSTAB, STARTCOL+1, GON);
for (i=0; i<w; i++)
{ putchar (image->bm[j*w + i] ? ' ' : '.'); }
fprintf (stream, "%s%s%s", LF, GOFF, CR);
fprintf (stream, "%s", FF);
return (1);